Wide variety of services.
Wide variety of solutions.
Making sure your equipment is running optimally.
In order to avoid down time, equipment maintenance is an absolute necessity. We offer great service deals, taking care of the job for you, big or small.
In addition, our certified personnel can perform service on site, onshore or offshore.
Wide experience related to service, repair and classing of various equipment.
Installation of complete system as turn key solution or together with clients and part manufacturers
- and so much more.
Our hose department is former Norwegian Hose Supply. Core business are industrial, hydraulic, and high-pressure hoses. In addition, we produce special type umbilical’s, custom and standard top drive service loops.
Our personnel have long international experience from Norwegian and international operations. Both offshore, yard-stay and SPS
We offer multidiscipline services to the shipping industry.
We use field proven components, design systems and equipment based on known technology in new design.
Our expertise in Autodesk platform (Inventor, Autocad, Vault, Fusion 360, Electrical) allows us to efficiently create models, drawings and perform FEA
NOV Mission Read More
Spare parts and products.
Full range Pyplok will be in our warehouse in short time.
An important part of our business is our wide range of competence, experience, equipment, and facility. This allows us to perform a huge span of various projects.
Well service
5year class, Refurbishment, Service, modification, Mobilization and package testing. Wide experience related to service, repair and classing of various well service equipment. Machining of X-overs, clamps, risers and special tools.
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Continuously we invest in tools and equipment to be able to reach our clients expectations. This means we have we have a wide range of tools and equipment available for hire. Both short and long terms rental periods.
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“We believe in being a part of future solutions .
We adapt to changes, and are always searching for solutions that are a better and more sustainable.
Raymond Kråkenes
General Manager
+47 900 71 927 raymond.krakenes@nosas.no
Tommy Ljosdal
Department Manager - Drilling Equipment
+47 451 54 567 tommy.ljosdal@nosas.no
Espen Fjermestad
Operations Manager
+47 466 94 972
espen.fjermestad@nosas.no -
Jens Løvø
Project Manager
+47 484 64 734
jl@nosas.no -
Rita Sunde
Supply Chain Manager
+47 408 63 609
rita.sunde@nosas.no -
Kenneth Lien
Project & Sales Manager
+47 976 36 565
kenneth.lien@nosas.no -
Mons Horve
Senior Technical Engineer
+47 911 43 099
mons.horve@nosas.no -
Tor Steinar Herikstad
QC/NDT/Service Foreman
+47 900 72 440
tsh@nosas.no -
Tone Totland
Logistics & Warehouse Coordinator
+47 900 96 899
tone.totland@nosas.no -
Odd Arne Edvardsen
Project Manager
+47 907 21 564 odd.arne.edvardsen@nosas.no