Hånd- og overflate desinfeksjon

Etanolbasert desinfeksjonsserie med alkoholprosent på 85%. 

Etanol har rask baktericid effekt på vegetative bakterier, mykobakterier, sopp og inaktiverer virus (f.eks. Influensavirus, adenovirus, rotavirus). I motsetning til andre desinfeksjonsmidler virker alkoholer raskt, har lite lukt og etterlater ingen rester. Virketiden er kortvarig fra noen sekunder til noen minutter på grunn av fordamping. Produktformuleringene er basert på anbefalinger fra verdens helseorganisasjon og folkehelseinstituttet. 


Pureclean Sanitizer er et hånddesinfeksjonsprodukt i flytende form. Produktet inneholder glyserin for å beholde hudens naturlige fuktighetsbalanse. 

Pureclean Sanitizer GEL er et hånddesinfeksjonsprodukt i gel form. Produktet inneholder glyserin for å beholde hudens naturlige fuktighetsbalanse. 

Pureclean Surface er et overflatedesinfeksjonsprodukt i flytende form. 


Pureclean Sanitizer og Pureclean Sanitizer GEL brukes til desinfeksjon av hender. 

Pureclean Surface brukes til desinfeksjon av flater og gjenstander som er synlig rene. Produktet er relativt stabilt og er kompatible med de fleste materialer, selv om noen materialer av plast og gummi kan ta skade ved gjentatt bruk. 

Bruksanvisning og dosering 

Hånddesinfeksjon: Påfør 3ml hånddesinfeksjon på tørr og ren hud. Fordel på alle overflater på begge hender og la huden lufttørke i 30 sekunder. 

Overflatedesinfeksjon: Påfør på overflate og la det virke i ett minutt. Vask med klut hvis nødvendig. Er det urenheter på overflaten må disse tørkes bort med papiret/klut for å oppnå optimal effekt av desinfeksjonsmidlet. 


Leveres i 500mL flaske, 1L flaske, 5L kanne, 25L kanne, 200L fat. 1000L IBC Kontainer. 


✓ Produktregistrert hos Miljødirektoratet 

✓ Godkjenning av denaturering av teknisk etanol og denatureringsmidler 

✓ Teknisk etanol som oppfyller kravene gitt i biocidforskriften artikkel 95. 

✓ Produktene våre er godkjent som teknisk desinfeksjonsmiddel til helsesektoren. Kjemiske desinfeksjonsmidler til teknisk bruk i helse- og sykepleie som inneholder etanol er virkestoff er godkjent – liste 6.- mai 2020 legemiddelverket. 


  • Commodity Chemicals

    NOS Chemicals can supply a complete range of commodity chemicals and glycols from our local bulk storage facilities.

    Our commodity chemicals can be supplied in a variety of packagings, from small cans to bulk supplies in ISO tanks.

    Butylglycol (EGMBE)
    Methanol (MeOH)
    Monoethylen Glycol (MEG)
    Propylene glycol
    Triethylen Glycol (TEG)
    urea (con2H4)rence.

  • Lubricants

    NOS chemicals offers a complete range of lubricants from our partners FUCHS and Castrol.

    Through our supply agreement with FUCHS and Castrol , we can supply on most fluids and lubricants for both the offshore and marine segments and for Agri.

    Offshore and Marine product range:
    Subsea control fluids
    Compressor fluids
    Hydraulic Oils
    Silicon oils

  • Subsea and BOP fluids

    INOS Chemicals represents MacDermid Offshore Solutions in Norway. We are stocking MacDermid products in both Stavanger and Bergen area.

    NOS Chemicals represents MacDermid Offshore Solutions in Norway. We are stocking MacDermid products in both Stavanger and Bergen area.

    Our product range from MacDermid includes BOP fluids, Preservation fluids, Motion and Tension compensation fluids and Subsea control Fluids;

    Oceanic series
    Erifon series
    Stack glycol

    Most products we have in stock, but through our partner, we can supply several other products if client has a specific requirement.

  • Standard Chemicals

    We hold a large range of standard chemicals, including storage of glutaraldehyde, oxygen scavengers, calcium nitrate, Sodium hypochlorite, and a wide range of acids and bases.

    We hold a large range of standard chemicals, including storage of glutaraldehyde, oxygen scavengers, calcium nitrate, Sodium hypochlorite, and a wide range of acids and bases.

    aminic acid (HCOOH)
    Ammonium bisulphite
    biocides (Gluteraldehyde)
    Calcium Nitrate
    caustic soda
    citric acid
    Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
    nitric acid (HNO3)
    oxalic acid
    phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
    Sodium bisulphite
    Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
    sodium hypochlorite (NaClO)
    sulphuric acid (H2SO4), (30-95%)
    Potassium hydroxide

  • Drilling and Completion Fluids

    NOS Chemicals can offer several products within Drilling- and Completion Fluids, such as pH adjustment, Clay stabilizers, viscosifiers and oxygen scavengers.

    In addition we have a large range of wellbore surfactants for well cleaning/displacements.

    NOS Chemicals can offer several products within Drilling- and Completion Fluids, such as pH adjustment, Clay stabilizers, viscosifiers and oxygen scavengers.

    magnesium oxid (MgO)
    sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
    sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
    sodium chloride (NaCl)
    polyaluminium chloride (pac)
    calcium chloride (Cacl2)
    Caustic Soda (liquid and powder)
    Citric Acid (liquid and powder)
    Soda Ash
    Soda Bicarbonate
    Xanthan Gum
    Liquid Xanthan Gum
    Ammonium Bisulphite

  • Speciality Products

    We can provide a range of specialty products for both production, drilling and wellbore maintenance work. Our product range spreads from organic and inorganic dissolvers, scale dissolvers, Rig and vessel cleaning, lubricants for coiled tubing and wireline operations, and specialty products well cleaning after drilling.

    We can provide a range of specialty products for both production, drilling and wellbore maintenance work. Our product range spreads from organic and inorganic dissolvers, scale dissolvers, Rig and vessel cleaning, lubricants for coiled tubing and wireline operations, and specialty products well cleaning after drilling.

    CBS-30 – sulphate Scale dissolver
    Alpha Polar
    Pureclean Rigwash
    Pureclean Power
    Pureclean Gold
    Pureclean Tankcleaner
    Pureclean Wellcleaner
    Pureclean Brine Lubricant
    RX-72 TL – Brine lubricant
    Hyperglide – Lubriant for solid based systems (WBM)
    Superclean HD
    Super Wellwash A
    Super Wellwash B

  • Hydrotest

    NOS Chemicals can, through our partner agreement with Roemex, supply a complete package of environmentally friendly products for all hydrotest operations, including the Commissioning Industry, most connected to the Oil and Gas industry and especially for new pipelines. The products are supplied in either liquid or solid form.

    Hydrotest Solid State Chemicals

    RX-9034A Leak Detection Dye Stick
    RX-9034D Double concentrated Leak Detection Dye Stick
    RX-9091 Oxygen Scavenger & Dye Stick
    RX-9034NB Negatively Buoyant Leak Detection Dye Stick
    RX-5207 Oxygen Scavenger Stick
    RX-5207NB Negatively Buoyant Oxygen Scavenger Stick
    RX-5720 Corrosion Inhibitor Stick
    RX-5722 Corrosion Inhibitor & Oxygen Scavenger Stick
    RX-9026NB Negatively Buoyant Clear Dye Stick
    Hydrotest Liquid Chemicals
    RX-5254 Combined Hydrotest Cocktail
    RX-5255 Pre-dyed Hydrotest Cocktail
    RX-9022 Leak Detection Dye
    RX-202 Oxygen Scavenger (seawater)
    RX-202 Oxygen Scavenger (Potable water)
    RX-5252 Oxygen Scavenger (Potable water
    and MEG: water mixes)
    RX-5252 Oxygen Scavenger ( Seawater application)
    RX-9026E Clear Dye
    RX-5274 Combined Oxygen Scavenger and Biocide Liquid
    RX-5275 "Pre-dyed Combined Oxygen Scavenger and Biocide Liquid"